You are currently viewing Maplebloom´s Business Canvas – downloaded from all over the world

Maplebloom´s Business Canvas – downloaded from all over the world

It is so heartwarming to see that Maplebloom’s canvases are downloaded from all over the world! From Sweden to Somalia, to Chile and Vietnam.

During the last quarter, the following countries are leading in the number of downloads: the USA, Chile, and Brazil. Followed by Finland and Switzerland. The most downloaded canvas is the Sustainable Innovation Canvas, then the Brand Canvas. Based on the users’ information, canvases have been mainly used in educational settings (teachings and workshops) and for business purposes.

I would love to hear how the canvases have been working for you!

Over the years, the Sustainable Innovation Canvas has been the tool I have used the most when coaching startups. As well, I have used it when running workshops for incumbents. By now, I have coached 500+ entrepreneurs and a couple of incumbents on how to use the tool.

Back in 2014, I was running a program for early-stage startups at Uppsala Innovation Center (with my great colleague Lars Dahlbom). Sustainability was a recurring topic in our program, but we could not find any business canvas that included the sustainability aspects. Also, there was no concrete definition of a sustainable business model. (You can read about the definition in a previous post). The general perception then was that sustainability was something that could be added at a later stage when the business model was already proven.

The biggest advantage I have noticed with Sustainable Innovation Canvas is that sustainability becomes a natural part of a business model. Over time, several users have expressed that they have received an aha moment about how sustainability and business can go hand in hand and create a viable business model.

What has been your biggest takeaway with this canvas or the others? What were your insights? Did you stumble upon any challenges? What could be improved?

I would love to hear your thoughts on how these canvases can be made more useful to you!

You will find all canvases here: